Dear sdcX-Cus­to­mers,

After 2 1/2 years of inten­se deve­lo­p­ment, we are proud to announ­ce the first release of the sdcX (ver­si­on 1.0.0). The SurgiTAIX AG was right from the begin­ning part of the move­ment towards an open plug-and-play stan­dard for inter-device com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. After 15 years of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment and two in-house rese­arch gra­de SDC soft­ware stacks, this is an out­stan­ding mile­stone in the histo­ry of SurgiTAIX: the first qua­li­ty assu­red, com­mer­cial SDC refe­rence imple­men­ta­ti­on that can to be inte­gra­ted into any ven­dors devices. Of cour­se, in the first release not the who­le stan­dard is cover­ed, but all the basic func­tion­a­li­ties requi­red by most vendors. 

What’s new?

Bes­i­de a con­nec­tion lost hand­ler, that informs the user if the con­nec­tion to the con­nec­ted par­ti­ci­pant is lost, the main new fea­tures are the sup­port of sco­pes based dis­co­very and Mdib sequen­cing. We pro­vi­de two more examp­les (CompleteProvider/CompleteConsumer) that gui­de through the near­ly all available func­tion­a­li­ties of the libra­ry. Moreo­ver, bug fixing increased the sta­bi­li­ty of the ver­si­on. Invi­si­ble for the end user, we imple­men­ted a multi­tu­de of inte­gra­ti­on and unit tests (75% code covera­ge) and fil­led the holes whe­re tests for vali­da­ti­on of the SDC-Standard’s requi­re­ments were miss­ing. On that basis, we build a secu­re and sta­ble libra­ry, that is docu­men­ted for class B medi­cal pro­ducts in regard to IEC 62304 (Docu­men­ta­ti­on on request). 

What’s next?

We hope for a lot of feed­back from our cus­to­mers. Sin­ce we do not have a report­ing plat­form yet, our first step begin­ning of next year will be set­ting up a report­ing plat­form, to grant a trans­pa­rent and traceable pro­cess to all our cus­to­mers. Spea­king about infra­struc­tu­re, we are start­ing to set up a con­ti­nuous inte­gra­ti­on sys­tem for hig­her code qua­li­ty (Q1 / Q2). The upco­ming new fea­ture for Q1 will be the Descrip­ti­on Modi­fi­ca­ti­on Report. On the next Plu­ga­thon (PAT #12, begin­ning of Febru­ary) we are wil­ling to test our new fea­tures like the sco­pes-based dis­co­very to pre­vent dif­fe­rent inter­pre­ta­ti­ons or imple­men­ta­ti­ons of the standard.

And may­be most important­ly, for the upco­ming releases we want our docu­men­ta­ti­on to satis­fy the IEC 62304 requi­re­ments for class C medi­cal products!

For more infor­ma­ti­on cont­act

We wish all of you a Mer­ry Christ­mas and a very good start into 2023!

Cheerful­ly and kindly

The SurgiTAIX team